Severn Intergenerational Center Public Art Opportunity

Thanks to a collaborative partnership with Severn area community stakeholders, Anne Arundel County, Department of Aging,  Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County, Anne Arundel Local Development Council, and the State of Maryland, Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. (ACDS) is coordinating the development of a brand new 26,000 square foot facility that will be a welcoming space for all community members in the Severn area and feature:

(1) a state-of-the-art Boys & Girls Club, which will include a full size gymnasium and Teen Club;

(2) a regional Senior Activity Center, which will host educational programs, recreational activities, health screenings, as well as classes in art, crafts, computer use, dance, and other topics for the older adults; and

(3) flexible community space that can be used as a venue for community meetings and programming for local residents of all ages.

In addition, the exterior space is being designed to be open to the community with a welcoming and clearly defined accessible path furnished with seating, plantings, and outdoor art.

To learn more about the opportunity below and to apply,
Contact Arica Smith at [email protected]

The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County Stands.

The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County stands in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in the face of rising reports of anti-Asian violence, including the recent events in Atlanta. We are saddened and outraged by these acts of hate and bias and remain resolute in our commitment to stand up against any vestige of racism.

The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County is dedicated to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. While there is still much work to do, we remain fully engaged in the work of learning, reflection, and action. We recognize our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities as vital sources of creativity and strength to all of us who live and work in Anne Arundel County, and will continue our support through programming, grantmaking, and advocacy.

We reiterate what we stated in June of last year: art shapes our culture. The freedom of expression in all artistic pursuits enables us to see, understand, and express the inequality of discrimination. We believe that the arts have the power to inspire social change and to bring us closer to a world of equality and equity.

GAP Grant Impact Stories

Absolute Blessing | Ray Wroten, IV

Ray Wroten has worked professionally as a musician since 2007. He is the lead singer and principal songwriter of the band Bond & Bentley, and performs solo acoustic gigs all around Anne Arundel County. His only source of income is gigging full-time playing music, playing solo in pubs and dock bars, and with his band in larger venues throughout Maryland as well as Delaware, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

In March of 2020, Ray’s livelihood ground to a halt. He went from playing 200 music gigs a year to nothing. And when things began to open up last summer as restrictions were eased, the gigs he played were at a discounted rate. He was clearly needing help to bridge the gap until the music world returned to “normal.” For Ray, that help came in the form of an Anne Arundel County Independent Artist GAP Grant.

“This grant was an absolute blessing. I was able to create a music video for one of my songs, pay off debt for merchandise I had accrued during the pandemic, and pay my rent and car payment. This money honestly gave me a bit of peace of mind in what is an uncertain landscape. Music is a hustle under “normal” circumstances, let alone during a worldwide nightmare. We work tirelessly booking gigs, humping equipment around, fixing and upkeeping that equipment, and pushing our gigs and art on several mediums. There is a ton of minutiae that goes into creating and a ton of costs that most people don’t realize.  This grant made it possible for me and several of my colleagues to continue our passions. Thank you very much for this, we appreciate it.”

To connect and learn more about Ray, visit

Follow Ray on social media!


Dream Big | Future History Now

Future History Now (FHN) is a local non-profit organization that facilitates collaborative mural projects with youth facing adversity in underserved communities. Using the transformative nature of art, Executive Director Jeff Huntington and Program Coordinator Julia Gibb create a safe space for young people that nurtures creativity and self-expression, promotes problem-solving and skill-sharing through the art-making process, and encourages thinking outside the box as a means to acquire the habits and skills necessary to successfully navigate life.

The COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted FHN’s ability to complete much of the work previously planned for 2020. FHN had expected to complete the remaining five of nine FHN KIDS MAKING HISTORY (KMH) Mural Project & Walking Tour (started in 2016), and 27 murals were planned in three HACA community center gymnasiums (nine in each gym) as FHN’s new Above the Rim (ATR) Mural Project. None of the ATR murals could be completed due to social distancing, and only one KMH mural was completed.

Not being able to complete these projects also had dire repercussions on FHN’s ability to generate revenue to cover overhead expenses.  Since the organization relies heavily on project-based funding, when a project is canceled or postponed, FHN also loses those funds which would have been applied to indirect costs such as rent, insurance, and administrative fees. Individual unrestricted donations that might also cover operating expenses also dried up, because they are often generated by media coverage and community “buzz” surrounding FHN’s large-scale public art murals.

Anne Arundel County GAP Arts Organization funding came at a crucial time, enabling the organization to cover critical administrative overhead while remaining flexible, innovative, and responsive to the changing needs of the communities they serve. FHN was able pivot from their original plans and complete three murals during late in 2020: “Captain Compassion” was started in April and completed in August with 20 youth artists each painting a separate square canvas at home, then assembled at the FHN studio into a 7.5’ by 10’ mural; the 7,000 square foot Breonna Taylor/Black Lives Matter Mural Project (Chambers Park, Annapolis)  was completed July 2-5, 2020 involving nearly 100 youth and community artists and six professional artists; and the KMH-John Lewis Mural (95 West Street, Annapolis) was completed November 3-7, 2020 collaboratively with five student artists and four professional artists.

Jeff Huntington tells us, “Future History Now greatly appreciates funding support from ACAAC, but equally values ACAAC’s role in bringing the arts community together. FHN has adapted a “dream big” mantra going forward, and not just for our own mural projects. We would like to explore opportunities to join or form coalitions to strengthen the art ecosystem in Anne Arundel County and increase public support for the arts. We would value the opportunity to partner with ACAAC and other allies to ensure that we do more than thrive despite the pandemic; we seek to have our community embrace art as the fabric of life.”

To connect and learn more about Future History Now, visit

Follow Future History Now on social media!



The COVID-19 Relief Grants for the Arts Program (GAP) funding made possible by County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. 

Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Independent Artists 

Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Arts Organizations

Call for Artists – Anne Arundel County Mural Project

The Anne Arundel County Office of Central Services in partnership with the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County (ACAAC) invites artists based in Anne Arundel County (ages 18 and older) to submit proposals for a mural designed for the County Council Chambers located at the Arundel Center in Annapolis.

Application Deadline (EXTENDED): Monday, May 10, 2021 by 5:00 pm

Full RFP details can be found here! 

The application form can be found here!


Contact: McKenna Kennedy, Arts Council of Anne Arundel County, Program Manager
[email protected]

Save the Date for ARTS virtually!

Please join the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County on May 6, 2021 for our annual gala – ARTS virtually, as we celebrate 28 years of support and advocacy for the arts. Enjoy a virtual, free, fun and interactive celebration of the arts community in Anne Arundel County. See local artists do what they do best – perform!

The past year has been challenging for everyone, especially our local arts community. The Arts Council was faced with an unprecedented level of need.  But through the generosity of our patrons and the support of the state, county, and local leaders, we were able to reach more artists and arts organizations than ever before.  Help us build on this momentum.

Mark your calendars for ARTS virtually.  The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County thanks you for your continued support of our mission to encourage and invest in the visual arts, performing arts, and historic preservation for the people of our County.

Check back on our gala page soon for more information!

GAP Grant Impact Stories

Taking the Pressure Off | Lee Anderson and Patti White

Lee Anderson and Patti White have decades of experience as independent freelance filmmakers and producers, and their credits have appeared on ABC, CBS, PBS, Lifetime, Discovery, Discovery Health, and other networks. Together, as Filmsters, Inc., they are able to follow their passion for filmmaking, creating content and branded entertainment for corporations and non-profit organizations. In their spare time, they give back to the Anne Arundel community, running a film camp and a film festival.

However, when COVID-19 hit, the work dried up. Filmsters had a huge project scheduled to go into production in late April 2020, which was postponed indefinitely. They kept hoping for a green light, but it never came. All other “live” filmmaking opportunities dried up and were canceled due to public health restrictions. They were able to do some re-edits of existing pieces or used stock footage, but those were generally very low-priced projects with limited margin and earnings.

The GAP Grant for Independent Artists came at a critical time for Lee and Patti. It enabled them to stay connected via the internet and phone, paid their utilities, and kept them current with bills. Lee tells us that, “Taking the pressure off of a creative person is a huge gift because it is tough to create and pivot when under so much pressure for basic needs. I am so grateful for this reprise. It has brought back my sense as an artist and has allowed me to imagine and plant many new seeds which I hope to nurture into the time that things open up again and it is safe to be out in the world making films. This has enabled me to focus on future possibilities for film projects, reinvent some old projects that are worthy, but needed a little freshen up, and repackage them to try to sell again. We have been able to reshoot (safely) with only two to three people (outside) a few key pickup interviews for various projects to move them ahead. You took off the pressure, and allowed artists, who are usually some of the most sensitive people I know, to feel a sense of control again, and to be able to continue to contribute to our community by doing what they do best…create, inspire and heal everyone through their art. What a gift!”

Always a team, Patti let us know that “We forget sometimes when life is speeding by and things are going well, that in a moment, it can all change and we have to re-evaluate and re-navigate our lives. When an organization such as ACAAC is there to recognize and actually bring assistance to so many artists in our community, that’s when you know they are the real deal.’ Thank you for having our backs and making our lives so much better during this challenging time.”

To connect and learn more about Lee and Patti, visit

Follow Lee and Patti on social media!


A Saving Grace! | ArtFarm Studios

ArtFarm Studios is a 3,200 square foot creative space located in the Design District of Annapolis, Maryland.  Equipped with open space, a large gallery wall, a classroom, and a stage, ArtFarm is a unique venue that caters to a broad spectrum of the arts. In designing ArtFarm, co-owners Alison Harbaugh and Darin Gilliam had one main goal: to develop a space that inspires others to create, encourage artistic innovation, and build community in Annapolis.

After the pandemic hit in March, ArtFarm was forced to close for much of 2020.  Since most of the organization’s revenue came through in-person classes and workshops, the business took a huge hit. The owners had to figure out how to pay the rent, keep their 15 teachers employed, and find innovative ways to continue to deliver their programming. Fortunately, they were able to get some financial relief through the Anne Arundel County GAP Arts Organization Grant.

ArtFarm’s owners told us, “The GAP grant was a saving grace! By being able to use some of the funding to market our classes to people outside of our local area, we were able to continue teaching virtually. We were able to purchase ads that targeted people in other states that made more people aware that we are here and providing great arts education, even if our doors are not open.”  Since they were able to make payroll, their marketing and administrative staff member was able to do all the back-end work of updating the website, posting upcoming new classes, and contacting teachers. This freed up the owners to focus on moving the educational programming forward, enabling the organization to stay on track and grow from this experience. “Being able to pay it forward and keep everyone working through this has been wonderful!”

To connect and learn more about ArtFarm, visit

Follow ArtFarm on social media!


The COVID-19 Relief Grants for the Arts Program (GAP) funding made possible by County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. 


Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Independent Artists 

Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Arts Organizations

Connecting with the Arts – February 2021

Welcome back to the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County’s monthly blog series, Connecting with the Arts,  where we feature news and updates from the arts community in Anne Arundel County. Tune in the last Friday of each month to connect and learn more about the arts organizations that are making an impact locally.

This month’s blog post is jam-packed with some great news and happenings! Live Arts Maryland starts by sharing how they responded to the pandemic by going virtual for their 2020-2021 season! Maryland Hall had a successful launch of its newest fundraising and advocacy event this past January. You won’t want to miss the fifth film in this year’s World Artists Experiences virtual film festival. Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts (MTPA) took the opportunity to do some introspection and re-envisioning and is now emerging as the Maryland Cultural and Conference Center, more commonly referred to as MC3! The Ballet Theatre of Maryland takes you under the sea for its revival of The Little Mermaid. The Hammond-Harwood House announces two programs coming up in March. Be sure to check out Annapolis Shakespeare Company’s broadway productions along with an opportunity to join their team!

You can connect and learn more about these organizations by clicking their logos below. We hope you enjoy!


Live Arts Maryland responds to the current COVID-19 pandemic with a series of virtual concerts

For the 2020-2021 season, Live Arts Maryland’s Bach+ series will respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic by offering a series of virtual concerts that builds on the same pillars of its in-person concerts: communication—exploring the musical dialogue among Bach and those who came before him as well as those who were influenced by his music; and creative collaboration among performers working in a variety of genres. While you will find “historically informed performances” within our Bach+ programming, you’ll also experience works that span a number of centuries, including twenty-first-century compositions and jazz improvisation.

All Bach+ concerts will take premiere at 7 pm on Thursday nights and can be streamed on the Live Arts Maryland YouTube channel. You can also follow LAM on Facebook and Instagram!


Maryland Hall launched its newest fundraising and advocacy event Athletes for the Arts in January 2021

The uplifting evening shared the stories of professional athletes, including Eric Kettani and Aaron Maybin, who’ve found artistic success and used their art to help others through both outreach and entrepreneurship. Student stories from MD Hall’s ArtReach program were also shared through powerful video testimonials and 6-time GRAMMY-nominated jazz vocalist Nnenna Freelon performed live. The Capital covered the inaugural event.

600+ viewers in the virtual audience left the evening inspired with a greater understanding of how the arts can help our youth grow into well-rounded people. Debuting as part of the Hall’s dedication as the Michael E. Busch Center for the Arts at Maryland Hall, Athletes for the Arts will return annually each January. Enjoy a free encore presentation of the event!

The full press release can be found HERE.

The fifth film in this year’s World Artists Experiences film festival, “The Citizen”, is being shown this Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 P.M

“The Citizen”, co-written and directed by Sam Kadi, is the story of an Egyptian, Ibrahim Jarrah, who immigrates to the U.S. the day before the 911 terrorist attack. The film portrays an important challenge faced by Arab immigrants (and all immigrants): How to access and live the American Dream in a society that is suspicious of or feels threatened by you. Imagine how this challenge is amplified if you happen to arrive in New York City one day before the 911 terrorist attack. You learn that innocence is not a defense against xenophobia. Through every setback and humiliation, Ibrahim maintains his resolve to become a citizen. His credo — “to reach your dreams, plant your good deeds” — foreshadows the conclusion of the film and the realization of his goal.
The Citizen’s ensemble cast effectively portrays believable New York City characters caught up in the insecurities of urban life during a crisis. The standout performance belongs to Khaled Nabawy, who portrays Ibrahim Jarrah. He creates a fully rounded and complex Ibrahim, reacting to everything he experiences with a combination of wonder, disbelief, and determination. Through his perseverance, Ibrahim becomes a true hero in every sense of the word.

This film was produced in English. CLICK HERE to view the trailer.

Zoom Link

Zoom Webinar ID: 833 6029 3896
Passcode: Bridges

Introducing MC3: A New Vision and Name for the Former Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts

During the past year while the COVID 19 pandemic limited so many activities, Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts (MTPA) took the opportunity to do some introspection and re-envisioning, and is now emerging as the Maryland Cultural and Conference Center, more commonly referred to as MC3. As a result of the “pause” imposed by the pandemic, MC3’s Strategic Planning Team and Board developed a new strategic plan, a new website has been launched, and a programming schedule for Spring 2021 has been created.

MC3 Board Chair, Michael (“Mike”) W. Davis and MC3 Board Vice Chair, Midgett S. Parker, Jr., along with Executive Director, Mattie Fenton, and an active Board of Trustees and creative professional staff, will lead MC3’s efforts to implement its strategic plan to become a “world-class cultural and conference center offering state-of-the-art meeting and entertainment spaces, innovative and dynamic multi-cultural programming in a venue that honors veterans within the greater Annapolis region and the state of Maryland.” The full press release can be found HERE.


The Ballet Theatre of Maryland takes you under the sea for its revival of The Little Mermaid

Ballet Theatre of Maryland is thrilled to partner with the Westin Annapolis to bring ballet back to a live audience. Join us under the sea for a revival of Artistic Director Emeritus, Dianna Cuatto’s The Little Mermaid, based on the Hans Christian Anderson tale. Watch Pearl, a mischievous young mermaid, as she takes us on the adventure of a lifetime when she willingly gives up her freedom of life in the sea to become human, gain an immortal soul, and win the heart of a handsome, young Prince. But it will take all of her courage, selflessness, and determination to make her dreams come true by defeating a sneaky sea witch, her devious sea wraith companion while saving two kingdoms in the process.

There are ticket options available for both in-person and virtual performances. COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place for those attending in-person performances. Seating will be pre-arranged to provide adequate social distancing. You will be seated with your group. Masks will be required throughout the performance. There is a maximum of 150 audience members per performance in order to maintain 25% capacity of the ballroom. Please visit The Little Mermaid ( for more information and to purchase tickets.


Intersecting Lives: 19th Century Woman at Marietta
Women’s History Month Talk
Thursday, March 18 at 12:00 pm – Free Online Presentation By Dr. Julie Rose

Dr. Rose, Marietta House Museum director & Hammond-Harwood House trustee will explore the lives of five historical women who lived free and enslaved at Marietta around 1830. These women’s lives intersected through their work duties, family ties, social norms, and their womanhood.

See more information and register here

Hammond-Harwood House, Architect & Apprentice Exhibition Reception

Two Great Houses Outdoor Architecture Tour
Saturday, March 20 at 11:00 am – Outdoor tour for a limited number participants -Cost $20 

The Hammond-Harwood House Museum and the Chase-Lloyd House invite guests to an hour-long tour that explores the two architectural treasures in downtown Annapolis. The tour will cover architectural details and the longstanding social history that connects these two great houses on Maryland Avenue.

See more information and register here


ASC’s 2021 All That Jazz features your favorite ASC artists and special NYC guest stars accompanied by the Unified Jazz Ensemble.

Annapolis Shakespeare Company – The Classic Theatre of Maryland
Streaming / On-Demand Productions for February/March, 2021

All That Jazz – Full-Length Musical Review with the Unified Jazz Ensemble. Extended by popular demand until March 28, 2021!

Broadway’s Mark Campbell – Phantom in the Opera (Phantom), The Lion King (Scar), Beauty and the Beast (Beast)

Premiering March 1st:
My Funny Valentine
with Broadway’s Mark Campbell

And Coming Soon:
Jukebox Review – Full-Length Musical Review with the Unified Jazz Ensemble


Get your tickets today at or call our Box Office at 410.415.3513



Annapolis Shakespeare Company is seeking a part-time administrative assistant/program manager.
Are you or someone you know interested? Follow the link below to learn more about this position and other employment opportunities at ASC.
Annapolis Shakespeare Company is a 501c-3 nonprofit and an equal opportunity employer.

GAP Grant Impact Stories

There’s ART in every heART | Scott Clarke  

This past fall, cartoonist and arts instructor Scott Clarke received an Anne Arundel County COVID-19 Relief GAP Independent Artist grant from the Arts CouncilIn 2020, Scott lost much of his income due to the pandemic. The art classes he normally teaches at local venues that include Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Anne Arundel Community College, and Anne Arundel County Department of Aging were all cancelled. Scott also lost the opportunity to sell his artwork at shows including Awesomecon, Mid Atlantic Nostalgia Convention, Annapolis Pride, Annapolis Comicon, and more. 

For Scott, the GAP grant was a lifeline to help him weather the crisis, as it was for many of our local artists. shared with us the news that this grant truly made a difference for him, as it did for so many artists. He expressed his gratitude, telling us, I’d like to convey how incredibly grateful I am for grant I received. This grant has given me the opportunity to continue my work by teaching online, covering such costs as competent computer equipment (computer, webcam, etc.), program fees (Zoom contract, etc.), and art supplies. It also enabled me to acquire space for the rescheduled dates of art shows I lost during the height of the pandemic. This grant is truly a blessing in a dark time, giving artists like myself hope for our future creative endeavors, gratitude for the respect and generosity of the Arts Council and Anne Arundel County. There’s ART in every heART. Thank you again! 

To connect and learn more about Scott, visit

Follow Scott on social media!


The Show DID go on! | The Talent Machine Co. 

The Talent Machine Co. (TMC) offers youth ages 7-18 the opportunity to study the performing arts, present their product publicly in a community setting, to teach as well as to learn, and to serve as positive role models for their peers. Being part of a TMC production teaches children the value of teamwork, organizational skills, and responsibility, and of course, develops their creative skills. Many Talent Machine alumni have gone on to professional careers as directors, choreographers, composers, and Broadway dancers and actors. 

In a normal year, TMC produces an Easter breakfast show and youth and teen summer shows, all of which provide ticket sales revenue to support the staging of a much larger and more expensive holiday show production. With a cast of 65+ children, this show has become holiday tradition for many Marylanders. However, in 2020, with live performances cancelled and TMC’s operating budget decimated, the beloved holiday show – for the first time in more than 30 years – was in jeopardy. 

Despite these challenges, TMC was determined to go on with the show, and using Anne Arundel County GAP Arts Organization grant funding, they did! Putting the safety of the children first, TMC got creative  holding auditions via Zoom and conducting rehearsals outdoors, and when the weather turned cooler, renting much larger than normal rehearsal locations to accommodate safe social distancing.  Each day, prior to rehearsal, parents were required to complete a COVID-19 survey. Stations were in place to take each child’s temperature prior to rehearsal. Lots of hand sanitizer was available and cast members were required to wear masks and gloves. The production was filmed and released on an on-demand video platform, enabling the audience to enjoy the show from the safety of their homes. 

Being part of TMC’s holiday show is always an extraordinary experience for a child, and this year, that experience was more important than ever. Since so many schools were conducting exclusively virtual learning, TMC gave kids a safe environment to be social and practice their craftHaving public health compliant protocols in place offered parents the peace of mind to allow their children to participate, and enabled kids to engage in the social interaction they need to navigate these unprecedented times. When many young theater groups ceased production of their holiday shows, TMC was, with the support of a GAP Arts Organization grant, able to go on with the show! 

To connect and learn more about The Talent Machine, Co., visit

Follow The Talent Machine, Co. on social media!


The COVID-19 Relief Grants for the Arts Program (GAP) funding made possible by County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. 


Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Arts Organizations

Click here for information regarding the Anne Arundel County GAP Grant for Independent Aritsts 

Connecting with the Arts – January 2021

Welcome back to the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County’s monthly blog series, Connecting with the Arts,  where we feature news and updates from the arts community in Anne Arundel County. Tune in the last Friday of each month to connect and learn more about the arts organizations that are making an impact locally.

As we navigate this still-new year, we hope the arts are a source of hope, joy, and inspiration. This month’s blog post features an array of great happenings around the county, from a virtual cabaret to a lesson on the history of sugar. There is no shortage of art programs and events to look forward to this winter!

First, join Annapolis Shakespeare Company for their new cabaret show, available virtually through February 25th. Children’s Theatre of Annapolis has several workshop opportunities for children and teens looking to learn the basics of theatre. The Londontowne Symphony Orchestra is working hard to bring you their first concert, now postponed until March. The Bay Winds Community Band announces their new Conductor and Assistant Conductor along with the release of their recently recorded and unique holiday virtual performance! Lastly, the Hammond-Harwood House leaves us with several programs to look forward to as well as a new project that involves the reupholstering of a c. 1770 Annapolis sofa.

You can connect and learn more about these organizations by clicking their logos below. We hope you enjoy!


Annapolis Shakespeare Company’s January Cabaret!
ASC’s January cabaret Be My Baby: Best of the Girl Groups featuring the greatest hits of the Andrews Sisters, the McGuire Sisters, the Supremes, the Ronettes, the Shangri Las, and the Shirelles among others!  Be one of the first to experience our newly renovated cabaret space.

Be My Baby will be available virtually on-demand NOW through February 25th! To get tickets, CLICK HERE



Children’s Theatre of Annapolis workshops for ages 7-18!
Children’s Theatre of Annapolis has theatre production workshops for ages 7-18 starting in February & March! These programs give each participant the opportunity to learn the basics of theatre; expand their imagination; work on character development, scene study, and memorization; develop performance techniques; and much more. All workshops are aimed at specific age and skill groups. Every participant is guaranteed a role. We encourage students with all levels of experience to attend. These workshops conclude with a final performance.

For more information about CTA’s upcoming workshops, please visit Questions? Email [email protected].


The Londontowne Symphony Orchestra is trying to come back!
We have had to postpone our first concert from January 22 to March 26 in order to reduce the virus risks to our musicians. We regret it, but it is the wisest thing to do. It will still be too early for a live audience, so we will be streaming the concert live over Facebook and YouTube from the Riva Trace Baptist Church in Davidsonville. Login instructions will be made available when they have been determined.

The concert will be the same. It will begin with Dvořák’s Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major with William Bloomquist, piano, Paul Bagley, violin, Kristin Bakkegard, violin, Dorothy Couper, viola, and Diana Curtis, cello. With no intermission, the concert will conclude with Tchaikovsky’s Serenade in C major for String Orchestra under the direction of Anna Binneweg, the Music Director/Conductor of the LSO.



The Bay Winds Community Band announces their new Conductor and Assistant Conductor!
The Bay Winds Community Band, based in Annapolis, announced the selection of Joseph Nalley as it’s new Conductor and Anne Dickinson as it’s Assistant Conductor.

The band voted remotely during the summer on the selection after an audition period in the spring which occurred prior to the Covid-19 shut-down of the band’s rehearsals and public performances. The Band presently remains on hiatus and plans to resume rehearsals at Annapolis High School when the school system allows. Public performances are also in flux at the present time. Bay Winds under Mr. Nalley’s leadership is currently recording a “virtual appearance” project for the Holidays in keeping with “social distance” guidelines. CLICK HERE to watch the virtual performance of Stars and Stripes for Christmas.

Our followers should stay tuned to the Bay Winds Facebook and our web-page for release dates and future projects in the New Year.


Hammond-Harwood House new programs to look forward to this year!

To register and learn more about these programs, visit

Message In A Bottle
As we start out the New Year, the Hammond-Harwood House Museum invites you to write a virtual message in a bottle using our Contact Us page at
The messages will be printed and stored in our archives for future generations to read and get a snapshot of what the museum community was doing during 2020.
Participants will receive a special New Year’s Eve e-mail from the museum at the end of 2021.

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth: A History of Sugar and Dessert

Thursday, February 11 at 7 PM. Free, online lecture on Zoom by Joyce M. White, Food Historian and Hammond-Harwood House Trustee
Learn about the history of cane sugar in its many forms from Muscovado to Lisbon to Loaf.  An interactive presentation will review how sugar has evolved over time from its introduction to Medieval England up until the Victorian days.

Learn the many ways sugar has been incorporated into meals for medicinal, culinary, and decorative purposes. Registration is required.

Voices of the Enslaved
Thursday, February 18 at 2 PM Free, online presentation on Zoom by Barbara Goyette, Hammond-Harwood House Executive Director.
Through 19th and early 20th century testimonies, memoirs, and interviews with those formerly enslaved, we can begin to learn about life under slavery. Each source of slave narratives has a history of its own to consider in interpreting these stories.

Registration is required.

Two Great Houses Outdoor Architecture Tour
Saturday, February 20 at 11 AM.
Cost: $20 per person
Tour will be held outside, with limited participation and socially distanced with masks. Registration is required.

The Hammond-Harwood House Museum and Chase Home invite guests to an hour long tour that explores the two architectural treasures in downtown Annapolis. The tour will cover architectural details and the longstanding social history that connects these two great houses on Maryland Avenue.

Docent William Ridgley, Bob Shannahan and President of the Board Rick Struse with the sofa

New Acquisition: Annapolis sofa, c. 1770
Former Hammond-Harwood House trustee Bob Shannahan of Easton, MD, has donated a c. 1770 Annapolis sofa. It was in the Chase Home around the late 1920’s, when it was acquired by the Love family of Ruxton in Baltimore. It was then sold out of the Love family via a dealer and purchased by Bob Shannahan in the early 2000’s. This piece will be our only sofa with ties to Annapolis. It was delivered January 13, and has been placed in the breakfast room. The sofa is in need of reupholstering, as seen in the picture. The first course of action is to strip it to the frame, examine it, and then have it reupholstered. If you would like to donate towards this project, please contact Rachel Lovett at 410-263-4683 ext. 12

In Loving Memory of Brenda Collins

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of Brenda Collins on January 5, 2021.

I had the pleasure of working with Brenda at the Arts Council for more than ten years. She took great pride in her position and brought joy to the work and to everyone around her. Brenda’s love for people and interest in them was genuine. Her ability to recall, and later ask about, details of your life and family were nothing less than remarkable.  Brenda’s warmth and smile were among her best qualities.  She always made sure everyone felt welcome and served as the perfect hostess in life.  I will miss her both as my work partner and friend, and remember that I was fortunate to have had her in my life.

Brenda was a proud graduate of Leadership Anne Arundel Flagship Class, Chair for the LAA Cultural Arts Day, and a member of the Anne Arundel County Community Foundation’s Philanthropy Day.

It is difficult to imagine that this wonderful lady has left this life way too soon.  Brenda will be remembered as an extraordinary friend, colleague, and a beloved member of the arts family in Anne Arundel County.  We extend our sincere condolences to her husband Jim, son Garrett, his wife Allison and granddaughter Alara, and her daughter Gabrielle.

Click HERE for more information and to express your condolences.

In lieu of flowers, the Collins Family has asked that donations be made to the Arts Council in Brenda’s name.

If you have any photos you would like to share of Brenda to add to the gallery below, please send them to [email protected]

April Nyman
Executive Director

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