Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, Inc.
September 16, 2024
Annapolis, United States
Job Type


The Board of Directors of the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, Inc. (CCHA) is seeking applications for the Executive Director position.

Background: Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, Inc. (formerly Annapolis, London Town & South County Heritage Area, Inc.) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and one of Maryland’s 13 certified heritage areas. We create and support products and activities that leverage economic development through preservation and heritage tourism.

General Summary: The Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and will act as primary staff to the Board as it implements the state-approved Management Plan and Five-Year Plan. At its direction the Executive Director will:

  • Work with the Board to identify key issues and trends in heritage resource management, including community development and heritage tourism; develop and implement goal directives, action plans, and program initiatives to achieve these goals
  • Work with historic preservation, tourism, and economic development organizations to enhance the heritage area’s strong regional identity, strengthen the communities and heritage institutions within the county, and market the cultural, historic and natural resources of the heritage area
  • Administer all grants to CCHA and manage multiple rounds of grant making to partners organizations each year
  • Uphold and adhere to CCHA’s bylaws and policies
  • Report regularly to the Board of Directors and otherwise ensure that the Board is informed of all organizational activities
  • Organize coalitions for specific purposes for achieving objectives as identified in the management plan
  • Initiate and maintain liaisons with local, state and federal agencies whose programs intersect with those of the CCHA , including other Heritage areas in Maryland
  • Prepare an annual operating budget in cooperation with the Board; implement and manage the budget, and provide such financial reports as required for managing agencies
  • Conduct fund raising efforts, including legislative contacts, grants and public/private partnerships necessary to achieve programmatic goals and coordinating functions
  • Maintain an office, organization records, files, documents and archives
  • Hire, supervise and evaluate staff as directed by the Board
  • Represent CCHA in public relations/educational capacities, including participation at meetings, special events, speaking engagements, conferences
  • Enter into contracts on behalf of CCHA, with approval of the Board.

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